Bindii control

There is nothing worse than your children running across the lawn barefoot on a summer’s day and seeing them hop in pain as they try to remove a Bindii (Soliva pterosperma) from their little toe. Dogs and cats are aren’t immune from the Bindii either, they just learn quicker and try to avoid the area.
The trick to stopping Bindii from spreading is to spray them during August or early September, before the prickles develop, and continue to repeat spray every 21-28 days until they are all gone. Repeat spraying is important as this will control weeds that have germinated after the prior spraying. Once the prickles develop, there is no other alternative treatment other than to physically pull out the weed from the lawn which can be very time consuming!
Eastern Suburbs Horticulture recommends and prefers to use a selective broad-leaf herbicide named 'Jolt' as this targets the weed directly and does not damage the common lawn varieties used around the Sydney region (Buffalo/Couch/Kikuyu)
'Jolt' is priced at $99.00 inc GST per application up to 100sqm and this usually takes 45 minutes for one of the staff to apply. It's also good to know it is safe for children and pets with no withholding period.
Please contact Lauren in the office on 0413 328 334 or to ask any questions or arrange your treatment.