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The benefits of top dressing your lawn

Top dressing, if done correctly can be hard work and time consuming, but if you can realise many or all of the benefits above then it is an invaluable addition to your lawn care regime.

Lawn top dressing is the process of adding material to the surface of the lawn. This would normally be loam or sandy loam mixes, sand or organic material.

You should undertake top dressing just prior to the growing season, usually the beginning of Spring. Avoid top dressing if rain is predicted as the wet weather will make the dressing difficult to deal with and make leveling troublesome.

Top dressing has a number of benefits:

- Smoothing the lawn surface

- Helps control thatch

- Improves the soil

- Improves drainage over time with repeated applications

- Helps in renovating or over seeding

- Protects the grass over winter

Top dressing for nutritional benefit - This type of top dressing involves the application of a thin layer of organic soil mixture over the area of your lawn and adds organic, natural nutrients and minerals. This will encourage the production of new shoots and result in a thicker lawn with the added benefit of then hindering moss and weed infestations. The introduction of materials to your soil will improve drainage and break down thatch and grass clippings. Top dressing also allows the soil to retain moisture better during drier conditions.

Contact Eastern Suburbs Horticulture on 0413 328 334 to arrange your lawn top dressing

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